Cuidado con el sistema de cierre de zapatillas Boa S1


6 Ene 2011
Buscando información sobre el sistema de cierre Boa, que se usa en zapatillas, vi que el primer modelo, la Boa S1, tiene algunos problemas que fueron solucionados en la segunda versión, la Boa S2.

El problema es que en la S1 no se puede cambiar el mecanismo entero y con el desgaste empieza a fallar, por lo cual las zapatillas que usen ese sistema pueden llegar a quedar inservibles.

En la versión S2 se puede cambiar todo, integramente, por lo cual si hay desgaste, se cambia todo y se soluciona el problema.

Pego la información que encontré en una página de Specialized, pero tengan cuidado, este no es un mal que solo afecte a Specialized, sino a todas las marcas que usen la Boa S1. dijo:
Mike Sohm Jun 06, 2013 01:07PM PDT SPECIALIZED Agent
Ok. So, to answer all your questions I will create a quick list to hopefully address them all:

1.) the S2 dials means that the entire closure mechanism is replaceable. Is this true?

Yes. The updated design to the S2 model is completely replaceable. This may have been in response to "less than satisfactory" lifespan of the S1's. I'm not sure why the BOA engineers redesigned it, but that seems like logical evidence to me...

2.) Is the slipping that I experienced a known issue with S1 dials? Or does my daily use (through all seasons) constitute unusually hard wear?

The answer to this question is Yes and No and Maybe? (not in any particular order) The S1 has had slipping issues, but only when the cable binds up inside the spool. Your daily use might be enough to wear out the non replaceable base. There are obviously a lot of factors that can go into the daily wear and tear that will affect the longevity of the shoes. Another potential explanation to the slippage could be the aforementioned binding of the cable in the spool?

3.) Do you (Specialized) have any plans to release the "74" shoes with S2 dials?

Not that I know of. The product designers keep new designs under tight wrap so that things don't leak out before they plan to release.

4.) Is it unrealistic to expect more than 2 or 3 years of daily use (putting them on and taking them off twice a day) from a pair of Boa-equipped road shoes? Are Boa-equipped shoes a poor choice for daily commuting?

The 2-3 year question might be better for BOA. I don't think they are bad choice for daily commuting as they are very comfortable.

5.) Finally, is there any hope of a Speedplay-compatible 4-hole S-Works road shoe?

Probably not. Again, I don't know... but my personal thoughts would assume that we won't have one specific for Speedplay.

Hopefully this response helped you in some way!



6 Ene 2011
De Specialized creo que el problema es solo con las que se hicieron hasta el 2011 inclusive.